Tag Archives: Fighting for Democracy

Editing Jim Higgins’ 1930s Memoir

There will be those who question how I went about editing a memoir written by someone long dead. Did I put words in his mouth? Did I change his voice? How did I deal with the inevitable, questions, puzzles and mistakes.

Jim Higgins’ at Stoney Lake, 1981. A lot had happened in a few years; he’d drafted his memoir, been found by Manuel Alvarez, and “The Tall Soldier”, had been published. He died in 1982. His memoir lay fallow 40 years, until his daughter, Janette, began the editing process.
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Jim Higgins’ 1930s story makes international news in 1978, again in 1980, and now in 2018

It happened, first, in January, 2018. I was at a dinner party in San Miguel de Allende. The host had steered the conversation towards my plans to publish my father’s 1930s memoir.

I was telling the other guests a bit about him, when a fellow Canadian asked, “What was your father’s name?”  I said, “Jim Higgins”. He replied, “I’m pretty sure I just heard about him on the news.”  I said, “Impossible!”, and promptly forgot about it.

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