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Luchando por la Democracia de Jim Higgins. PUZ otoño 2022

eBook (English edition only): Kobo Store, Nook Store, Amazon Kindle Store, Apple Books, Google Play, Friesen Press (all formats)

To order the English edition of the paperback, email me (Janette Higgins) with your address using the contact form.

The True Story of Mac-Pap, Jim Higgins (1907-1982)


My father’s book gets around! Fully half sold in the United States.

Ad in September 2022 issue of Down East magazine for Lithgow Public Library (Augusta, Maine)

Thanks to Lithgow Public Library in Augusta, Maine for this image. Photo by Buddy Doyle.


Fighting for Democracy by Jim Higgins (2020) is the latest book about the Mac-Paps, Canadians who fought in the Mackenzie Papineau Battalion, which was part of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War. The Spanish edition was published by the University of Zaragoza Press September 27, 2022.

The most recent books about Canadians in the Spanish Civil War include: Not For King or Country by Tyler Wentzell, Mac-Pap by Ronald Liversedge with David Yorke, A Chance to Fight Hitler by David Goutor, and Renegades: Canadians in the Spanish Civil War by Michael Petrou.